Friday June 8th 2001 - Shopping tour
The friday of the VW Classic weekend is not so busy. Usually WCM throw a party, but they didn't get around to it this year. So Lenny from West Coast Classics decided to invite some people over to his business. As this wasn't till the evening, we decided to cruise round a bit and visit some of the shops mentioned in VW Trends magazine. West Coast Metric was a long way back up north towards LA, so we looked at the map and tried to find some VW shops along the route. We never found the first place we tried to find, but we ran into 2 verry old and beat up single cab pickups parked out front of a Motoguzzi (motorcycle) shop. We'd found Moe's Cyclegarden. Moe is president of OCTO the local split bus club and he and Charly Hammill were about to leave for the showground to prepare it for next days bus show. We talked for a few minutes and i introduced myself. We had ben e-mailing for a bit, but never actually met. They then invited us to a post-classic party at Charlies place.
Turns out that JayCee Enterprizes is just around the corner from Moe's place. The owner of the place wasn't really expecting visitors, but was kind enough to show us round his small workshop and the dyno. We exchanged some posters, stickers & pins and let him get back to work (he was still working on a set of carbs for a customer who needed them for sundays classic).
Next stop : WCM. We gota tour of the warehouse and workshop and then we got to see the private museum/collection. They had some really nice cars in there including a barndoor panelvan and some verry low millage cars.
Finding the Gene Berg shop wasn't that easy. There are like half a dozen small streets named Lime Street. Turns out that the all run along the same north-south line, but still a rather odd way to name streets. When we got there it was absolutly jam packed and almost everybody wanted a nice shifter. I bought some T-shirts and posters.
The WCM museum

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