Saturday June 9th 2001 - OCTO (splitscreen bus show)
We woke up around 06:00 to get to the OCTO show (Orange County Transporter Organisation). It's held on a big parking lot nextdoor to the Anaheim Pond (stadium).
ABout 300 splitsscreen busses showed up for this event, which runs from 07:00 to mid day. There were also a lot of vendors with lot's of nice stuff to sell. You could get anything from stock rubber grommets to lowered spindels and safari windows. The NOS parts are hard to find and thus expensive, but there are plenty bumpers and benches for sale (the hard to find bits in Europe).
About 50% of the busses wouldn't be allowed on the road in Europe. They looked verry rough and stuff like lights and brakes all looked a bit dodgy. A few busses were customized back in the 70's; big wheel arches with wolfrace wheels, studded upholstry and red vinyl seamed to be the theme on those cars. On the other hand, the restored busses that we saw were done to a verry high standard. I was surprised to see so many barndoor busses (pre '55) and lot's of single cabs.
Around 11:00 one of the Omaha guys introduced me Rachel, somebody i'd been emailing with for several years. Shortly after that the guys from the vintage bus list asked me to join them for their group foto.
Around noon most people started to leave. Next thing on the agenda was the tof & literature show. Conveniently loacked on the 2nd flor of our hotel.
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